Monday 15 September 2008

Time Management Strategies: Overwhelmed To Accomplishing More

It is actually fairly commonplace for people to become overwhelmed by everything that they have to accomplish in a day, especially when they are lacking in the necessary time management strategies. Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything that you set out to accomplish in a day? People who are overwhelmed accomplish far less than those who are confident about their workload. So if you are feeling overwhelmed by what is currently on your plate, these three time management strategies may help you feel far less overwhelmed, which will help you get more accomplished in the process.

1 - Delegate and Outsource. One of the biggest things that you can do to improve your time management is actually simple to understand. You do not need to do everything, let alone do it all in one day. Rather than try to take everything on by yourself, learn how to delegate and outsource by offering parts of projects to those who can help. If you believe that someone can manage part of a project more efficiently than you, ask for their help. Focus on the parts of projects that you know that you can complete, and do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the details.

2 - Set Time Limits and Time Budgets. Every task that you tackle should have a realistic time limit or time budget set for it. This way, you can better work productively on each and every task based on individual time limits. When you give a task an indefinite amount of time, or when you try to tack a single time limit onto a very large project, it is much more difficult to get things done in a timely manner. Instead, allow each facet of a project to have a time budget and you will be able to get a lot more accomplished.

3 - Learn to Say No. You need to learn how to say no not only to your own self, but also to other people in your life who have unrealistic expectations of you. People often take on far too much and that is one of the largest causes of things simply not getting accomplished. Don't take on more than you can handle, letting yourself and other people down in the process. Instead, simply learn how to say no when you do not think that you can accomplish a given task, rather than taking it on and allowing for it to overwhelm you further.

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Friday 12 September 2008

Time Management Strategy Keeps You Ahead Of The Competition

To be successful in modern business you need to have a time management strategy. In every sector you will find stiff competition and a lot of people who are willing to work very hard to get ahead. So, you need to use all of the tools at your disposal to stay ahead of the game. One of the best tools you can have is a good time management strategy.

The real secret of good time management is knowing, really knowing, how you want to spend your time. If you know what your goals are in both your personal and professional life then you can manage your days around these goals.

So, before drawing up a time management strategy you should become clear on how you want to spend your time. Now compare it to how you spend your time at the moment, and you will begin to see the changes that need to be made.

Now you can really start working on your time management strategy. Some of the changes that will be big, even daunting, while others will be small. You need to begin making these changes in a way that is comfortable for you. It is probably better to start with small changes. When you take on big changes do it step by step.

I encourage you to be methodical about this. Write down your immediate and long-term goals and keep track of which ones you are working on. Each day, keep a time plan and incorporate something that takes you towards your chosen goals. This could be something small like getting 30 minutes' exercise; or a step towards something big, like looking at alternative employment opportunities.

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Thursday 11 September 2008

Time Management Strategies For Saving Time

Not having enough time is a common problem that many people suffer from. You may feel stressed and frustrated because you’re constantly chasing the clock trying to get everything done. Don’t you sometimes wish that you could have a bit more time? Although there are only 24 hours in a day, instead of wishing for more time, how about identifying where you can save some time. Here are two strategies so that you can free up some of your time, leaving you able to accomplish more towards your goals and perhaps enjoy some leisure time.

1. Eliminate the time wasters in your day. Although you may have lots to get done each day, its surprisingly easy to get caught up in activities that actually waste your time. Some tasks can appear to be important and unless they are completely in alignment with the goals you want to achieve, I suggest that you question their necessity. There's also the time wasters such as drawn out telephone calls, interruptions as people just drop by for some help. Many people also find it difficult to stay focused on their tasks or they lack direction so waste quite a bit of time jumping from one thing to another. As there are many different time wasters and different ones affect different people, I invite you to identify specifically what wastes your time and eliminate it. Even if you just pick one time waster for now, you can work in eliminating others later.

2. Set a time limit for each task. Tasks often take longer to complete than they need to and setting a realistic but slightly tight time limit can really help you to work more productively. I'm sure you can think of times when a task has taken ages and yet if you'd set yourself a time limit on it, I bet you know that you could have got it done and done well in that time. Tasks that are allowed an indefinite amount of time often take far too long, robbing you of your precious time. Time that could be spent more productively or enjoyably. Give each task a realistic time limit, set an alarm and then put 100% of yourself into completing the task in that time.

So, now you have two time management strategies here that could easily save you lots of time each and every day. I encourage you to put at least one of these into action today. Just imagine how good you will feel with a bit more time to enjoy.

Imagine having enough time for your goals and dreams, for your loved ones and leisure interests.

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Monday 8 September 2008

Time Management Strategies For Improving Work Performance

If you want to improve your work performance these time management strategies can help you to work more effectively and achieve a lot more. Better performance isn't just about doing a lot more, otherwise you could end up just working far too hard. Improving your performance helps you to work more effectively, focusing on the right things to do in alignment with your goals. It means that the time you invest in work is put to its best use. Learning the strategies needed for this can be done quite simply and worked on more deeply as you become accustomed to them.

1 - Planning. This is essential to improved performance and planning helps you to identify in advance the things that need to be done, when they need to be completed, and what you need to accomplish them. Thinking this through and writing it down beforehand prepares you better and allows you to focus 100% on the tasks as you're doing them, rather than getting distracted when you're unsure. Planning also helps to avoid interruptions to your work flow when you have to find necessary tools or paperwork. Once you have a clear plan outlined, now you're ready to work through it diligently.

2 – Review and reevaluate weekly. Each week take a little time out from your normal work tasks, perhaps about 15 minutes and carry out a review of your previous week. Take a look at what you were able to get done, the things that you weren't able to complete and most importantly notice the times when your performance was at its best. Identify what helped you to perform tasks better. Perhaps your energy was higher, you felt more relaxed and rested, or perhaps you felt very enthusiastic and motivated. Its from these things that you'll learn the most about how to improve your own personal performance. From this review, re-evaluate how you're going to approach the following week and what specifically you're going to implement.

I encourage you to be continually aware of your performance so that you identify how to have more of the peak times and less of the low-performing times.

Now imagine performing your work at a high level, and achieving your goals and dreams.

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